I keep laughing about something Laura told me yesterday. She met a guy originally from Seattle while trying to sell her car, and when he heard she was moving to Colorado he said, "it's horrible there" without explanation. Now, he might have used some other word, like "awful" or "miserable", but you get the idea. Laura was smart enough not to bother asking why he felt that way.

Horrible was the last word in my head this morning when I was out snowboarding again. It was breathtaking. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and a few inches of fresh snow fell last night. I was sitting on a ski lift at 10,000' looking out at blue skies, snowcapped mountains, and a flock of geese migrating. Not exactly what I'd call horrible.
Now, sure, this is March I'm talking about. There will certainly be some times in mid-winter which will be quite a bit rougher, but I'm OK with that. If a blizzard or two is the price of admission, I'll take it.
Me thinks you pretty much have to be an outdoor enthusiast in order to LOVE Colorado year 'round. If you can't enjoy every aspect of Mother Nature's drama, Colorado isn't the place for you! Apparently this guy Laura met was a "milk toast " and it didn't work for him. You will make your own joys with " no whining " about the difficult stuff. Go for it!! xoxo Grammie
His exact wording..."Why would you want to move there? It's awful there." Awful/horrible are definitely interchangeable here.
Ken, I can't wait to to live in awful horrible Colorado with you :)
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