We signed a lease last week for the house that we were hoping we'd get. With Laura's help, I moved out of my hotel, and into our new place yesterday. Tonight is my first night here, and despite the lack of furniture, it's pretty cozy!
We're really thrilled to be here! Even though it's not ours, it's our first home, and it seems perfect for the two of us.
It's a two bedroom two bath, and part of a nice ... one might even say "cute" ... development in a very family oriented neighborhood. The backyard borders a farm and open space with trails and lakes. We've already had a chance to meet our neighbors across the street, who are about our age, and we love them! They're a couple from Boston with a baby girl on the way.
It's in Lafayette, which is 10 miles east of Boulder. The area surrounding the city is open space and farm land. So, as we commute west every day we're going to be driving through fields and looking out at the Rockies. You can't beat that!
Below are some pictures from the original listing. Click on them for a full-size version.